
不久前,马来西亚当地媒体“南洋商报”和“星洲日报”打破了外汇经纪商FX United的投资骗局。警方预计投资者将超过7万人,总金额达10亿令吉(约合2.57亿美元)。

在马来西亚警方召开的新闻发布会上,FX United的投资骗局于2013年启动,在2014年至2016年期间,它在官方网站上推出了一项投资计划,承诺以固定的12%税率吸引投资。月。通过。自2016年以来,警方已收到数百起针对该公司骗局的投诉。 2月10日,警方根据报告线索袭击了吉隆坡的FX United,逮捕了三名35岁至49岁的拿督荣誉年龄的嫌犯,并查获了大量超级跑车,手提包和手表。据警方称,FX United有五个“头”,警方正在追逐另外两个。

2016年5月,新西兰金融市场管理局(FMA)警告FX United,该公司不是FMA授权的零售外汇投资公司。



以马来西亚警方处理的FX United为例。如果投资者拥有基本的解决权力,他们就不会陷入这种投资骗局的陷阱。在中国,我们经常将此类诈骗称为外汇基金。













Not long ago, Malaysian local media “Nanyang Business Daily” and “Sin Chew Daily” broke the investment scam made by a foreign exchange broker named FX United. The police expect investors to exceed 70,000 people, involving a total amount of RM1 billion (about 257 million US dollars).

At a press conference held by the Malaysian police, FX United’s investment scam was launched in 2013, and during the period from 2014 to 2016, it launched an investment plan on the official website, promising to attract investment at a fixed rate of 12% per month. By. Since 2016, the police have received hundreds of complaints against the company’s scam. On February 10, the police raided FX United in Kuala Lumpur based on the report clue, arrested three suspects with a Datuk honour age between 35 and 49, and seized a large number of super sports cars, bags and watches. According to the police, there are five “heads” of FX United, and the police are chasing the other two.

In May 2016, the New Zealand Financial Markets Authority (FMA) warned FX United that the company was not a retail foreign exchange investment company authorized by FMA.

Like other unregulated brokers, they often preach themselves under the supervision of the New Zealand FSP, have legal regulatory licenses and secure client financial segregation, or directly deck UK FCA, Australian ASIC regulation, to investors who are unfamiliar with the foreign exchange industry. Marketing business.

Investors need to be alert to foreign exchange brokers to promote the guaranteed foreign exchange wealth management products in various names.

Take FX United, which is handled by the Malaysian police, as an example. If investors have basic resolving power, they will not jump into the trap of such investment scams. In China, we often call such scams a foreign exchange fund.

In mid-2017, the famous foreign exchange fund IGOFX ran, which led to the coverage of a series of mainstream media such as Tencent, Sohu, and Netease on the homepage of the website, which depleted the reputation of the formal mainstream retail foreign exchange industry.

In the foreign exchange industry, there are two types of brokers. One is a foreign exchange broker that is regulated by overseas mainstream financial regulators and has formal qualifications overseas; the other is a broker that is not subject to any supervision or weak supervision. They may be commonly known as black platforms, deck platforms, funds. plate.

Trading with an unregulated forex broker means greater risk to investors. In particular, foreign exchange funds, in the absence of supervision and freedom from the mainstream foreign exchange circle, the development of investors who have little knowledge of foreign exchange, the implementation of brainwashing education, allowing investors to invest more money, develop more resources to join, It is extremely harmful to society.

Understand the scams in the foreign exchange industry and distinguish the typical characteristics of foreign exchange funds

In the complicated foreign exchange industry, investors need to practice the Venus of the Fire Eye, identify formal and reliable foreign exchange brokers, understand the reasonable trading platform of the foreign exchange platform, and stay away from temptations and scams.

The foreign exchange fund disk has significant typical characteristics and is not difficult to identify. Specifically, there are several major features:

First, foreign exchange funds can promote investors to earn a steady dollar, as well as high income as a bait, to confuse investors to accept such a market model for nothing. High returns to investors can often range from 5% to 15% of monthly earnings.

Second, foreign exchange funds are not subject to formal supervision by overseas mainstream financial institutions. Foreign exchange funds can not produce effective regulatory evidence for the formal foreign exchange industry. However, the funds will try their best to present evidence to the challenged investors about the effectiveness of their supervision. Only these evidences can’t stand the scrutiny.

Third, foreign exchange funds have a strong multi-level distribution system, which specifies the multi-level offline commissioning method. Investors can not only share the so-called trading profit share, but also the introduction fee. This kind of distribution model makes the number of people in the fund disk often reach tens of thousands.

Fourth, foreign exchange funds are good at creating momentum, and launching luxury parties and heavy rewards. In order to prove the legitimacy of its business, the foreign exchange fund is accustomed to packaging itself as a well-known overseas financial holding group, which has strong strength and will bring some stars to its platform.

Fifth, foreign exchange funds are used to brainwashing investors. Funds will be instilled into investors through WeChat group, circle of friends, video, conference marketing, etc. This is a once-in-a-lifetime investment opportunity. The specific form of expression is to let friends circle in the release of various market data and tell members How robust is the profit.

The commercial loopholes in the foreign exchange fund are obvious, but investors sometimes get brainwashed by marketing brainwashing. Another group of participants regard it as an opportunity to make money, knowing that it is a trap but will seize the golden period of the development of the fund. The pen goes again. For ordinary participation without knowing the inside story, they bear the huge losses caused by the collapse of funds.

In response to the scam of foreign exchange funds and guaranteed income, Yang Daxia suggested that investors should be alert to high-value rebate investment products. Before investing, they should understand whether the projects they invest in have legality and actual profit points, and they are in line with their own economic strength. After the comparison, confirm whether to invest. High returns mean high risk, investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the market!




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